After June 30,2024 CPS will no longer be updating the COVID-19 API due to recent changes to COVID-19 reporting requirements in Illinois.
The following endpoints are affected: /v1/DistrictCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/DistrictCOVIDWeekSummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDWeekSummary.
2023.11.03 v1.0.2:
Non-COVID disease cases in the system of record have been excluded from district and school totals.
The following endpoints are affected: /v1/DistrictCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/DistrictCOVIDWeekSummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDWeekSummary.
2023.06.10 v1.0.2:
Case count totals have been reset to report only 2023 summer session data after the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
The following endpoints are affected: /v1/DistrictCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/DistrictCOVIDWeekSummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDWeekSummary.
School PCR testing program has ended. As a result, tested positive count totals for adults and students on or after 2023.06.10 will report as zero.
The following endpoints are affected: /v1/DistrictCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/DistrictCOVIDWeekSummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDWeekSummary.
Testing opt-in and vaccination rates will no longer be updated after the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
The following endpoints are affected: /cps/DistrictCOVIDTestingOptInRate, /cps/DistrictCOVIDStudentVaccinationRate, /cps/SchoolCOVIDStudentVaccinationRate.
2022.09.27 v1.0.2:
Adjustment for date filter behavior on case data endpoints. When only one of either start or end date are invalid, only the invalid parameter is ignored for case filtering. When both requested dates are outside the current school session, both will continue to have no impact on results provided.
The following endpoints are affected: /v1/DistrictCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/DistrictCOVIDWeekSummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDWeekSummary.
Reporting end date for school year 2021-2022 has changed to 2022.06.18.
Reporting start and end dates for summer 2022 have changed to 2022.06.19 and 2022.08.20 respectively.
Reporting start date for school year 2022-2023 has changed to 2022.08.21. These are to more closely align with student attendance dates.
The following endpoints are affected: /v1/DistrictCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/DistrictCOVIDWeekSummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDWeekSummary, /cps/School2021DailyCOVIDActionable, /cps/School2021WeeklyCovidActionable.
Vaccination Rates now only include children aged 3 up to 5 years old in the under 5 category. Previously, totals were including all children aged 6 months up to 5 years old. The following endpoints are affected: /cps/DistrictCOVIDStudentVaccinationRate, /cps/SchoolCOVIDStudentVaccinationRate.
2022.09.19 v1.0.1:
Modified case totals processing to address issue where, under certain conditions, some cases that were later deemed inactionable in system of record were not removed from school-level day and week totals.
The following endpoints are affected: /v1/SchoolCOVIDDaySummary, /v1/SchoolCOVIDWeekSummary, /cps/School2021DailyCOVIDActionable, /cps/School2021WeeklyCovidActionable.
2022.08.19 v1.0.1:
Vaccination rates now include students under the age of 5. The following endpoints are affected: /cps/DistrictCOVIDStudentVaccinationRate, /cps/SchoolCOVIDStudentVaccinationRate.
No admittance data is no longer updated. The following endpoints are affected: /v1/SchoolNoAdmittanceSummary, /v1/DistrictNoAdmittanceSummary, /cps/DistrictNoAdmittanceSummary, /cps/SchoolNoAdmittanceSummary.
2022.06.16 v1.0:
Vaccination and Testing Opt-In rates will not update during the CPS Summer Session. The following endpoints are affected: /cps/DistrictCOVIDTestingOptInRate, /cps/DistrictCOVIDStudentVaccinationRate, /cps/SchoolCOVIDStudentVaccinationRate.
Case totals for Summer 2022 onward will be provided from the endpoints under /v1/. Case count totals will only include the current school term. Ex: During Summer 2022 session, case counts will only include cases reported between 06-15-2022 and 08-20-2022. Totals will then reset again at the start of 2022-2023 school year.
2022.04.14 v0.17:
District case count APIs no longer include cases that only impacted non-district schools. The following endpoints are affected: District2021DailyCovidActionable, District2021DailyCovidTesting, District2021WeeklyCovidActionable, District2021WeeklyCovidTesting
Added new endpoint for student COVID testing opt-in rate.
2022.03.24 v0.16:
Added alias for CPS/SchoolWeeklyCOVIDActionable endpoint to be accessible via CPS/School2021WeeklyCOVIDActionable. Both endpoint addresses provide the same data, and endpoint behavior is not affected.
Added new endpoints for student COVID vaccination rates.
2022.02.24 v0.15:
Modified all in-use endpoints to return timestamps as offsets for date cutoffs with midnight central time, in unified format. The following endpoints are affected: DistrictNoAdmittance, SchoolNoAdmittance, School2021DailyCovidActionable, SchoolWeeklyCovidActionable, District2021WeeklyCovidTesting, District2021DailyCovidTesting
Modified all endpoints in use by to use single source for all report totals, rather than force api servers to assemble totals from system of record independently.
Renamed TotalPositiveCount to TotalCaseCount on school daily responses for readability. Both fields reflect same data value, to prevent backward compatibility breakage.
Renamed PositiveCount to TotalCaseCount on District2021WeeklyCovidActionable / District2021WeeklyCovidTesting to reduce confusion on what the value represents.
Marked multiple apis as obsolete, as these are no longer in use on, and return only 2020-2021 school year archive data.
Added additional detail to multiple endpoint help page descriptions.
Partial week totals are no longer returned from weekly endpoints, to align with CDPH reporting guidelines.